From Espinasse this accessible circuit allows you to gain height for a 360° view

Route details

Point of view


Departure from Espinasse, place de l'Eglise. Take the road towards Chaudes-Aigues, as far as the washhouse. At the washhouse, turn right onto the road that leads to the village of Le Mas, follow it for 800 meters.
Take the stone path to the left, then the path to climb to the summit following the ridge to reach the wooden cross (Mont Mournac viewpoint).
Descend opposite by the path through the broom then take the path lined with low walls.
Take the path between the walls on the left which joins the departmental road n°111, which you take on your left to return to the starting point.
DifficultyEasy-to-useDuration01hElevation-108 D- ​​/ 108 D+Distance3,9 kmMax Altitude1049m
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