An immersion in the Bromme gorges

Route details

Water, History and heritage, Viewpoint


The landscape mosaic of this sensitive natural area (ENS) is remarkable with an alternation of moors, meadows, crops, forests, cliffs... which has allowed the development of a completely original biodiversity. Beyond the many species of birds present on the site (Royal Kite, Booted Eagle, Honey Buzzard, Short-toed Short-toed Eagle, European Eagle Owl, etc.), you will also be able to observe many remarkable insects (Lucane Kite , Aurore, Citron, etc.) and even hear certain amphibians like the Midwife Alyte.
The village of Mayrinhac, typical of Carladez, is home to numerous identically restored farmhouses, a church containing nearly 1000 relics, a common oven and a calvary.
DifficultyVery easyDuration01hElevation-86 D- ​​/ 86 D+Distance4,0 kmMax Altitude779m
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